Peer Editing Checklist

Editor #1

  1. What is the title?  Is it centered?
  2. Is the paragraph indented?
  3. Does the paragraph have more than 3 sentences? 
  4. What is the topic sentence?
  5. Is the topic sentence limited? 
  6. What are the limits?
  7. What is the contrast pattern of organization?  (Please circle the answer)

Block or Point by Point

  1. Is the pattern done well?  If not, please give suggestions.
  2. Does the paragraph have appropriate contrastive language? 

(see Paragraph Development, pp. 131-134)

If not, please give suggestions.

  1. What are the three major points?
  2. Do the major points support the topic sentence?
  3. Are those major points supported?
  4. Do the minor supports relate back to the major points?  If no, please give some suggestions.
  5. What is the concluding statement?  Does it restate the topic sentence?

Peer Editing Checklist

Editor #2

  1. What is the title?  Is it centered?
  2. Is the paragraph indented?
  3. Does the paragraph have more than 3 sentences? 
  4. What is the topic sentence?
  5. Is the topic sentence limited? 
  6. What are the limits?
  7. What is the contrast pattern of organization?  (Please circle the answer)

Block or Point by Point

  1. Is the pattern done well?  If not, please give suggestions.
  2. Does the paragraph have appropriate contrastive language?

(see Paragraph Development, pp. 131-134)

If not, please give suggestions.

  1. What are the three major points?
  2. Do the major points support the topic sentence?
  3. Are those major points supported?
  4. Do the minor supports relate back to the major points?  If no, please give some suggestions.
  5. What is the concluding statement?  Does it restate the topic sentence?