What Is the Difference between “A” Writing and “B” Writing?

Students sometimes wonder what is the difference between writing which receives a mark of “A” and that which receives only a “B.”  The difference can usually be summed up in 12 words: variety, conciseness, clarity and completeness, sentence types, sentence variety, and sentence combining.


è  è      VARIETY

§  §        Varying the kinds of sentences you use can make your writing lively and distinctive.

§  §        If you experiment with sentence structure, you increase the chance of readers’ paying attention to what you write.

§  §        To avoid the choppiness produced by a series of short sentences, you can lengthen sentences by:

§  §        Subordination

§  §        Coordination

§  §        (Sometimes abrupt sentences may be used for special effects.)

§  §        Relying too heavily on beginning with a subject can make your writing monotonous; use alternative beginnings:

§  §        Begin with an adverb

(e.g. suddenly,…)

§  §        Begin with a prepositional phrase

(e.g. out of necessity,…)

§  §        Begin with a transition

(e.g. first, then, furthermore, etc.)

§  §        Remember that when you are experimenting with sentence structure, subordination is as important as coordination.

è  è      CONCISENESS:

Avoiding Wordiness and Needless Repetition

§  §        Unnecessary words or phrases distract readers and should be omitted.

§  §        Repetition is a sign of inefficiency.

§  §        Avoid:

§  §        Redundancy

(repeating for no good reason)

§  §        Unnecessary, inexact words

§  §        Combining sentences or simplifying phrases can eliminate needless words.

§  §        Use pronouns to avoid needlessly repeating a noun or using clumsy synonyms.


§  §        Words that are often omitted in speech are often needed in writing to make the meaning clear.

(e.g. We better study hardàWe had better study hard)


§  §        Simple Sentence: One main clause: Contains one subject, one verb, and expresses a complete thought

(Note: The subject and/or the verb can be compound)

§  §        Compound Sentence: Contains two or more main clauses and no subordinate clauses

(Note: These are connected by a semicolon or a comma + coordinate conjunction. They connect main clauses which should be related to each other logically.)

§  §        Complex Sentence: Has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

§  §        Compound-Complex Sentence: Contains two or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.


§  §        Good writing contains a variety of sentence structures and types.

§  §        Another way to improve sentence structure is by the use of parallelism. (In a series, nouns should be balanced with nouns, verbs with verbs, adjectives with adjectives, etc.)


§  §        Sentence combining contributes to a smooth flow of sentences and avoids choppiness that results from a string of main clauses (machine gun effect).

§  §        Avoid choppiness and strung-out compound sentences by:

§  §        Subordinating

§  §         Using compound verbs

§  §        Using phrases

§  §        Rewriting one sentence into two or more sentences